Welcome to the official home of X-Coin – XCO
X-COIN XCO is an original and very simple Proof of Stake coin that has worked perfectly for years.
- Ticker: XCO
- Release Date: February 27, 2015
- Release Location: Bitcointalk.org
- Release Type: Public, Zero Premine, No IPO, No ICO offerings
- Released as Sha256d POW at block 1
- Changed to POS on March 15th, 2015 at block 30001
- New Block Time: Instant, every transaction creates a new block.
- Minimum transaction fee: 0.01 XCO
- Transaction Fees are paid to staking blocks.
- Transactions require 10 confirmations to mature
- P2P port: 14641
- RPC port: 14642
Mac Wallet released for 2020
*Please note X-Coin is no longer in PoW Stage and is now in PoS
- Algo type: Sha256
- POW Block 0 until Block 30000
- POW Block Reward: 500 XCO
- Block Time: 60 Seconds
- Difficulty Retarget: Every Block
- Transaction fees paid to miners
Proof Of Stake
Block Reward
3% interest per year + 10 coins + transaction fees paid out every time you find a block
Averaged Up
Your reward before the fees is averaged up to the nearest 0.999
Stake over 15,000 XCO to receive an average reward of 40 XCO per block mined
Some Stake Blocks Receive Random 10 XCO Bonus
Max reward 20 coins per block before the fees
Stake Age
Min stake age: 8 hours, Max age 24 hours
Only 0.01 +fees
To maximize staking yield, combine your inputs after receiving a stake for 0.01 +fees
Block Finders
Transaction fees are earned by block finders! 0.01+fee reward means your inputs have split too much (or your input is too small). Send your coins back to your self to combine your inputs so you can have a bigger input.
Step 1 Download the XCO Wallet
Choose the windows link on the right to download. Mac wallet coming soon.
X-coin Block Explorers
Xcoin Block Explorer 2: https://www.blockexperts.com/xco
7451 Yonie Ct, Las Vegas NV
Social Media